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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/131819/01
Title TWISTER: Titanium Wire for Innovative Spring Technologies and Emissions Reduction
Status Completed
Energy Categories Energy Efficiency(Transport) 50%;
Energy Efficiency(Industry) 50%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Performance Springs Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 April 2015
End Date 31 March 2018
Duration 36 months
Total Grant Value £742,279
Industrial Sectors
Region North West
Programme Competition Call: 1403_CRD2_HVM_MILWL - Make it lighter, with less. Activity Make it lighter, with less
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Performance Springs Limited (32.142%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , K-Tech Suspension Limited (5.500%)
Project Contact , Northwest Automotive Alliance (13.687%)
Project Contact , Meltech CRE Limited (39.414%)
Project Contact , Bentley Motors Limited (9.257%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , University of Sheffield (0.000%)
Web Site
Abstract TWISTER seeks a step change in cost reduction of titanium wire for springs by demonstrating an innovative continuous direct manufacturing process applied to both engine valve springs and suspension springs. The UK invented process consolidates low cost particulates directly to wire. Titanium springs are more efficient and less dense than steel springs leading to more efficient combustion engines and lower CO2 emissions. In addition the energy input and CO2 emissions liberated from the novel consolidation process are significantly lower than the current , >30 batch processes, including energy intensive vacuum melting and multiple forging. By more than halving the cost of titanium wire through leading edge technology, TWISTER will allow its strength and weight properties to be utilised at an economically viable cost, creating major benefits for spring making. New products generated from TWISTER will be affordable and increase the attractiveness to higher volume production vehicles.TWISTER seeks a step change in cost reduction of titanium wire for springs by demonstrating an innovative continuous direct manufacturing process applied to both engine valve springs and suspension springs. The UK invented process consolidates low cost particulates directly to wire. Titanium springs are more efficient and less dense than steel springs leading to more efficient combustion engines and lower CO2 emissions. In addition the energy input and CO2 emissions liberated from the novel consolidation process are significantly lower than the current , >30 batch processes, including energy intensive vacuum melting and multiple forging. By more than halving the cost of titanium wire through leading edge technology, TWISTER will allow its strength and weight properties to be utilised at an economically viable cost, creating major benefits for spring making. New products generated from TWISTER will be affordable and increase the attractiveness to higher volume production vehicles.TWISTER seeks a step change in cost reduction of titanium wire for springs by demonstrating an innovative continuous direct manufacturing process applied to both engine valve springs and suspension springs. The UK invented process consolidates low cost particulates directly to wire. Titanium springs are more efficient and less dense than steel springs leading to more efficient combustion engines and lower CO2 emissions. In addition the energy input and CO2 emissions liberated from the novel consolidation process are significantly lower than the current , >30 batch processes, including energy intensive vacuum melting and multiple forging. By more than halving the cost of titanium wire through leading edge technology, TWISTER will allow its strength and weight properties to be utilised at an economically viable cost, creating major benefits for spring making. New products generated from TWISTER will be affordable and increase the attractiveness to higher volume production vehicles.TWISTER seeks a step change in cost reduction of titanium wire for springs by demonstrating an innovative continuous direct manufacturing process applied to both engine valve springs and suspension springs. The UK invented process consolidates low cost particulates directly to wire. Titanium springs are more efficient and less dense than steel springs leading to more efficient combustion engines and lower CO2 emissions. In addition the energy input and CO2 emissions liberated from the novel consolidation process are significantly lower than the current , >30 batch processes, including energy intensive vacuum melting and multiple forging. By more than halving the cost of titanium wire through leading edge technology, TWISTER will allow its strength and weight properties to be utilised at an economically viable cost, creating major benefits for spring making. New products generated from TWISTER will be affordable and increase the attractiveness to higher volume production vehicles.TWISTER seeks a step change in cost reduction of titanium wire for springs by demonstrating an innovative continuous direct manufacturing process applied to both engine valve springs and suspension springs. The UK invented process consolidates low cost particulates directly to wire. Titanium springs are more efficient and less dense than steel springs leading to more efficient combustion engines and lower CO2 emissions. In addition the energy input and CO2 emissions liberated from the novel consolidation process are significantly lower than the current , >30 batch processes, including energy intensive vacuum melting and multiple forging. By more than halving the cost of titanium wire through leading edge technology, TWISTER will allow its strength and weight properties to be utilised at an economically viable cost, creating major benefits for spring making. New products generated from TWISTER will be affordable and increase the attractiveness to higher volume production vehicles.TWISTER seeks a step change in cost reduction of titanium wire for springs by demonstrating an innovative continuous direct manufacturing process applied to both engine valve springs and suspension springs. The UK invented process consolidates low cost particulates directly to wire. Titanium springs are more efficient and less dense than steel springs leading to more efficient combustion engines and lower CO2 emissions. In addition the energy input and CO2 emissions liberated from the novel consolidation process are significantly lower than the current , >30 batch processes, including energy intensive vacuum melting and multiple forging. By more than halving the cost of titanium wire through leading edge technology, TWISTER will allow its strength and weight properties to be utilised at an economically viable cost, creating major benefits for spring making. New products generated from TWISTER will be affordable and increase the attractiveness to higher volume production vehicles.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 04/12/15